Auroranlinnan osakehuoneistot


Defect notifications

Defect notifications should be submitted following the division of responsibilities table:

– property defects are reported following the housing association’s instructions to the maintenance company, property caretaker or property manager

– defects that are the landlord’s responsibility are reported to the tenant’s own landlord

You can download/print the division of responsibilities table here.

Defects that are the housing association’s responsibility to repair are reported by using the defect notification service, which is usually the housing association’s maintenance company’s defect notification service. More detailed information on where to report the defects that are the housing association’s responsibility to repair is usually available on the noticeboard. The customer service of the housing association’s property management and/or property maintenance can provide this information as well. Information on what defects are the housing association’s responsibility to repair is available on the division of responsibilities table.

Leaking taps or toilet seats, as well as water damage and any other defects, must be reported immediately to the housing association’s property manager or a maintenance company in accordance with the housing association’s instructions.

Any suspected moisture damage must be reported immediately to the housing association’s property manager or the maintenance company, as well as the Auroranlinna office via email at osakehuoneistot @ or by calling 020 7199 670 (the call charge is rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee).

Any sightings of pests in the apartment must be immediately reported to both the housing association’s property manager and the landlord. Any sightings of pests in the property area outside your apartment (e.g., rats in the property) must be reported to the housing association’s property manager.

Maintenance work and repairs of the interior of the apartment are the responsibility of the landlord stated on the rental contract. Those renting apartments directly from Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna should submit the defect notifications primarily via email to osakehuoneistot @ and attach photographs to support the defect notification (a photograph of the type plate of a broken fridge or a broken window stay, for example). You can also report defects by calling 020 7199 670 (the call charge is rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee).

NB: The tenant may become responsible for compensating for any damage that is caused by not reporting a detected defect or by a negligent use of the apartment.

Any leaking water taps must always be reported by using the housing association’s defect notification service.