Auroranlinnan osakehuoneistot

Apartment search

Apartments available for general applications

All of Auroranlinna’s apartments are available for general applications. Available apartments can be found on OVV Asuntopalvelut website.

Add all the apartments you are interested in to their own applications. You can find more detailed instructions for making an application at OVV’s website (direct link above or) under “For rent” and then choose location “Helsinki Auroranlinna”. After that the page will show all the rental apartments to be searched for. You can organize the apartments by date, rent or size. After clicking on the apartment, there on the left side of the page is button “Submit application”. Fill in the requested information and submit the application. You can also send a message to OVV office.


In privately financed apartments, leases are valid for an indefinite period. Recipient of these apartments are required to have regular income. There must be no recent payment default entries or entries related to previous rental housing. A rental deposit is not required in the company’s apartments that are available for general applications.

There is no option to change privately financed apartments. If your living situation changes, please fill a new application on -website.