Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna

Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna is owned by the City of Helsinki. The company owns approx. 2000 apartments situated around Helsinki. The major part of the apartments is rented as job-related housing to people working for the City of Helsinki. The remaining apartments are available on the rental apartment market.

photo-1Matters concerning applying for, exchange of, notice of termination of tenancy or payments of rent of a job-related rental apartment should be dealt through the department you work for at the City of Helsinki. For further information concerning job-related rental apartments please contact your supervisor at work.

Matters concerning renting an apartment directly from Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna are attended to by our apartment service. Flats can be applied for online. For inquiries call the apartment service.
Notice of defects can be reported by calling 010 286 6245 at all hours. Notice of defects can also be reported online on the webpage, begin by choosing your home address. Administrative matters of everyday living are attended to by the local house managers office. On the webpage of your house you’ll find the contact information of for different service providers.

Contact information for Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna is found under Asuntopalvelu and Yhteydet.

Notices of defects according to liability distribution table (look Vastuunjakotaulukko on page Lomakkeet) either to Your landlord or to the Auroranlinna’s office.

Tips for residents (pdf-file)

Watch a video about fire safety

Watch a video Cleaning the bathroom floor drain

Watch a video Cleaning drain traps

Watch a video Cleaning the cooker hood

Watch a video Ventilation ducts

Watch a video Changing light bulbs and fuses

Watch a video Sorting biowaste

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