
Cleaning cooker extractor hoods and replacing the filters when necessary are the responsibility of the tenant.   Watch a video on Cleaning the cooker hood.

Ventilation in your apartment only occurs as intended if the ventilation equipment is working correctly. Obstructive dust(and grease in the kitchen) collects easily between the frame and plate of the ventilation exhaust vents, with the gap in question often only a few millimetres wide. This means that it is very important to clean the vents on a regular basis, using a brush and cleaning fluid, for example.

At the same time, it is also important to ensure that the apartment’s fresh air ventilation vents work, to ensure that contaminated air is not getting into the apartment through the building structures or external door, for example. With both centralised and apartment-specific ventilation systems, the air pressure is set to help the systems remove air from the apartment by sucking it out. This waste air will always be replaced by new air entering from wherever it is easiest to do so.

The apartment’s fresh air ventilation vent filters are provided by Auroranlinna, but residents themselves must replace the filters in accordance with the instructions provided when new filters are distributed to the apartments. Dirty filters stop fresh air from getting into the apartment. The instructions (here only in Finnish) can also be found here:

F-filter: 29-12-2008-12-20-38-TULOILMAVENTTIILIN_KAYTTO_biobe
VS-filter: 29-12-2008-12-18-59-saato-ohjevaihto-ohje_VS-100
Frame filter: 29-12-2008-12-18-8-saato-ohje.vaihto-ohjeF-100