Pest control

Any sightings of pests, either in an apartment or elsewhere in the property, must be reported immediately to the Auroranlinna defect notifications service. A good description, and if possible, a photo of the pest, will make it easier to deal with the issue. Auroranlinna will investigate the sightings and implement pest control measures if necessary. Some pest insects, such as carpet beetles, saw-toothed grain beetles, or Indian meal moths, can usually be dealt with by residents themselves. Bed bugs, German cockroaches and rats in the yard area, amongst other pests, must always be dealt with by a pest control specialist. Help with identification and guidelines on dealing with pests can be found in places such as

The best way of preventing pest problems in the home is thorough and regular cleaning. Luggage should always be checked after a trip, to ensure you have not brought back any unwanted guests.

The pests most often spotted in the home are insects, including bedbugs, carpet beetle larvae, German cockroaches, and other pests. Pests often get into the home in luggage or with purchases from shops, such as powders or dried fruits.

Rats and other rodents cause the biggest nuisance around and outside properties.

If you detect common bedbugs in your apartment, immediately contact your building manager using the Auroranlinna defect noptifications service in order to start an extermination process carried out by professionals.