Paying your rent

Residents must pay their rent and payments for residential services that are not included in the rent by the date stated on the statement of fees. The payment due date for the rent is always the second day of the month.


Residents must pay their rent every month. The payment due date is always the second day of the month.

Rent can be paid as a bank transfer using the reference number for the month, by e-invoice, or by direct debit. The reference number each tenant is assigned will remain the same throughout the tenancy and should be used when making payments.

Those who rented their apartment directly from Auroranlinna can make an e-invoicing agreement in their own online bank by selecting Retta Isännöinti/Vuokraus-asiakkaat as the invoicer. They also have the option to make a direct payment agreement with their own bank.
If the rental agreement for the apartment has been concluded with a division or enterprise of the City of Helsinki, matters related to rent payment will be handled with the lessor indicated in the lease agreement.

Please always use the reference number given on the statement of fees when paying your rent and utilities charges!

If you are late in making your payments, you will be charged a collection fee of €5/reminder, as well as late payment interest in accordance with the Finnish Interest Act.

Enquiries regarding rent payments should be directed to Auroranlinna rent control.

In October 2023, Auroranlinna started to use Intrum’s reminder services as a part of the management of payment receivables.

The cooperation with Intrum applies to overdue receivables, such as debt capital, interest or costs related to reminders and collection.

If you receive a reminder letter from Intrum, please pay the invoice using the payment information in the letter by the due date. You can also pay the bill on the Intrum website in the Oma Intrum service, which is open around the clock. For this, you need the bank IDs and the case number shown in the letter. In Oma Intrum service you can pay your debt, propose a payment plan or send a message to Intrum’s customer service.

If you are unable to pay the invoice by the due date, please contact Intrum immediately. You can also call Intrum’s switchboard at 09 229 111, where you will be directed to customer service.

On the website you can get help, advice and tips for managing your personal finances.

Other payments

Residential services that are not included in the rent must be paid for separately by the user or consumer. These can include the fees for parking spaces, sauna reservations, and door opening requests. These should be paid for in the manner agreed when arranging the service, and into the designated account by the stated deadline.

Payment problems

If you’re having problems meeting your payment deadlines, please get in touch with rent control as soon as possible . Rent control staff can provide you with information and guidance on your options. If you are experiencing financial problems and you do not rent your apartment directly from Auroranlinna, please contact the relevant party specified by your landlord.

If you accrue rental debt, the landlord will commence collection measures. If necessary, you may even be evicted from the apartment. Once you have been evicted from an Auroranlinna apartment, you will not be able to rent from Auroranlinna again. Any disruptions in paying your rent that you have not managed or made alternative arrangements for may also affect your credit rating.