Managing serious or repeated disturbances
When you live in an apartment managed by a property company, you may hear normal noises associated with everyday life from the yard, stairwell, or neighbouring apartments from within your apartment. All tenants are encouraged and advised to show consideration for others in the way they live. When moving around your apartment, keeping pets, playing or listening to music, hosting parties, exercising, or doing noisy work, to give just a few examples, it’s worth considering how much the noise will carry to other parts of the building. In particular during the hours of 10pm–7am, residents must be quiet and are expected to avoid creating unnecessary noise in any part of the property.
If a neighbour is causing a serious or repeated disruption in the building, and in particular between the hours of 10pm and 7am, residents are entitled to submit a notification of residential disturbance to the housing company using either the disturbance report form intended for reporting serious or repeated disturbances or via a free-form notification.
What to do in the event of serious or repeated disruptions:
- The resident who has been subjected to the disturbance completes a free-form notification of the disturbance or the disturbance notification form. The notification must be signed by the occupants of two different apartments. The notification should be submitted to the apartment service by email, to or by post to Auroranlinna, Eevankatu 2, 00240 Helsinki.
- The apartment service will send a written notice or warning to the party causing the disturbance, stating that their rental contract will be terminated if the disturbance continues (at this stage, the party causing the disturbance will not be informed of the name of the witness).
- If the disturbance continues, residents of two apartments must submit a new notification of disturbance to the property manager, either using the disturbance notification form or with a free-form notification, in order for the matter to proceed further. The time between the notifications must be no more than six months. The residents must be prepared to appear at the district court as witnesses.
- If the disruption continues after warnings have been issued, the landlord will submit an eviction request.
- The district court will decide on the case, either at the registry or in court. At this stage, the witnesses may also be called. When the court is deciding on the case, it is important to know whether the disturbance has continued whilst the case is being processed.
- If the district court confirms the eviction, it will inform the landlord and the state local office for registration of population.
- The district bailiff will inform the landlord of the eviction date. The eviction will be carried out by the enforcement authority.