Contact us
Get in touch with housing-related questions! On this page you can find all our contact information.
On this page
- Defect notifications
- Auroranlinna customer service
- Property management
- Services for residents
- Payment of rent
- Billing instructions
- Administration and management
Defect notifications can be submitted either online using the defect notification form, or by phone to Auroranlinna’s 24-hour defect notification service. Door opening requests should always be made via Auroranlinna’s 24-hour defect notification service.
In all residential matters, those renting their apartment directly from Auroranlinna deal directly with Auroranlinna or the companies providing its building management support services. These support services are provided primarily by Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj. The necessary contact details can be found by clicking on the headings on the top menu of the page.
If the rental contract for the apartment was concluded with a division or enterprise of the City of Helsinki, in matters relating to the rental contract, payment of rent, and keys for the apartment, please contact the landlord stated on the rental contract. In all other matters, please follow the guidance for those who rent their apartments directly from Auroranlinna.
Defect notifications, emergency and door opening requests
Auroranlinna customer service
Eevankatu 2, 00240 Helsinki
Tel. 020 7199 670
(calls to the service line are the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
Email asuntopalvelu @
The office is open on Mon-Thu 9.00 am – 3.00 pm and on Fri 9.00 am – 2.00 pm. NB Subject to changes.
In June, July and August we close at 2.00 pm.
Staff email addresses take the format
Calls to the below service numbers are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee.
When signing the rental agreement, please agree to pick up the apartment keys with OVV Asuntopalvelut (auroranlinna @
With a few exceptions, parking space keys and laundry locks can be picked up from Auroranlinna office. If the tenant wants additional keys to the apartment, Auroranlinna will order them and the tenant pays the costs incurred for ordering them.
Exceptions to the above are our Suomenlinna and Kirkkonummi properties, where apartment keys, additional key orders and issues related to hostess keys are handled by:
Inquiries related to car parking facilities, see the Parking spaces section.
For matters relating to rental contracts directly with Auroranlinna:
Auroranlinna customer service
Tel. 020 7199 670 (Calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
Email asuntopalvelu @
Address: Eevankatu 2, 00240 Helsinki
The customer service is open on weekdays 9am–3pm. NB Subject to changes.
In June, July and August we close at 2.00 pm.
Sublet apartments:
Please contact the landlord stated on your rental contract.
Property management
Property management and property maintenance has divided into two main areas in Helsinki, the western and the eastern. The Western area is to west and the Eastern area to east from River Vantaa.
If you are not sure in which area your apartment is located, check it in the Properties section. By searching for your own address, you will find more information about the property as well as information about the property management and property maintenance area.
Property management (administrative matters)
Property manager (western area except Kotkankatu 14-16)
Marjut Vastamäki
Tel. 020 719 9686
Property manager (eastern area)
Susanna Nieminen
Tel. 020 719 9672
Property manager (condominiums, Kotkankatu 14-16 and Kirkkonummi)
Erja Adler
Tel. 020 7199 678
Technical management (maintenance, apartment repairs)
Defect notifications, click here
Information about defect notifications is forwarded to technical hosting if necessary.
Technical manager (western area except Kotkankatu 14-16)
Tanja Malinen
Tel. 020 719 9688
Technical manager (eastern area)
Ari Aho
Tel. 020 719 9679
Technical manager (condominiums and business premises, Kotkankatu 14-16 and Kirkkonummi)
Petri Kivimäki
Tel. 020 7199 687
Services for residents
Parking contracts, with the exception of the exceptions mentioned below, are handled by Lassila & Tikanoja’s customer service. Contacts primarily by e-mail, so that the matter can be dealt with faster.
Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj, e-mail: auroranlinna @
Tel. 010 286 6245 (Calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
Matters relating to keys for car parking facilities and associated car heating posts and parking garages, with the exceptions listed below, are managed by:
Auroranlinna office Eevankatu 2, 00240 Helsinki
Tel. 020 7199 670 (Calls to the service line are the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee).
E-mail: asuntopalvelu @
Parking spaces at Kaivonkatsojantie 16
Parking spaces in Kirkkonummi Parking spaces in Laakavuorentie 7
Parking spaces at Paciuksenkaari 15
Parking spaces in Pasila at Puistotie 10
Parking spaces at Pasilanraitio 12
Parking spaces at Selkämerenkatu 13
Parking spaces at Sireenikatu 4
Parking spaces on Suomenlinna
The residents of an apartment must submit a notification to the register of occupants every time a resident moves into or out of the apartment.
To add residents to the register of occupants, we need the following information for all officially living in the apartment (adults and children):
- Address
- Name
- Date of birth
- Move-in-date
The maintenance services can only provide door opening services to residents listed in the register of occupants; therefore, it is important to ensure this information is always up to date.
With the exception of sites on Suomenlinna and in Kirkkonummi (see below), changes to the register of occupants are managed by Lassila & Tikanoja’s customer service. Contacts primarily by e-mail, so that the matter can be dealt with faster.
Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj, e-mail: auroranlinna @
Tel. 010 286 6245 (calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
With the exception of sites on Suomenlinna and in Kirkkonummi (see below), shared laundry facility inquiries are managed by Lassila & Tikanoja’s customer service:
Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj, e-mail:
Tel. 010 286 6245 (calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
With the exception of site in Kirkkonummi (see below), sauna reservations are managed by Lassila & Tikanoja’s customer service. Contacts primarily by e-mail, so that the matter can be dealt with faster.
Lassila & Tikanoja Oyj, e-mail:
Tel. 010 286 6245 (calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
Payment of rent
Auroranlinna rent control
Tel. 010 228 7109 or 010 228 7107
Calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee.
Email vuokravalvonta @
The rent control customer service department is open on weekdays Mon–Thu 9am–3pm and Fri 9am–2pm.
In June, July and August we close at 2pm.
More information about paying the rent you fing Residents >> Paying your rent
Billing instructions
Auroranlinna accounts payable
Tel. 010 286 6247 (calls to the service line are charged at the rate of the mobile phone fee/local call fee)
Email ostolaskut @
The purchase invoices customer service department is open on weekdays Mon–Thu 9am–3pm and Fri 9am–2pm
Billing instructions:
Invoices to Auroranlinna must be sent to Rauma accordingly
the following format, changing only the cost center (KP) information (see below):
Kiinteistö Oy Auroranlinna
KP 4024, Kaarlenkatu 3-5 (model; here is the KP to which the invoice applies)
PL 2
26101 Rauma
In the invoice there must definitely be seen the cost center information according to the list attached.
The ordering entity/person must always appear in the invoice as well. This is how it can be certified who is the person ordering.
The processing of incoming invoices with incorrect address information will be delayed.
Invoice attachments:
If the invoice has attached an invoice from another company, must be clearly indicated that it is an attachment and not a separate invoice.
This way, the attached invoice in question is not accidentally scanned as its own invoice.
Auroranlinna accepts e-invoices and the e-invoice broker
is OpusCapita Solutions Oy, whose ID is E204503. Also attached
OVT IDs of Auroranlinna’s cost centers PDF (203k).
Administration and management
Head of management
Elise Hasselgrén
Tel. 020 719 9689
Managing director
Tatu Rasia
Tel. 020 719 9681
Head of maintenance
(in charge of property maintenance, cleaning, and maintenance of outdoor areas)
Risto Ovaskainen
Tel. 020 719 9682
Head of property
Rakennuttamistehtävät (kiinteistökorjaukset)
Christian Tannerkoski
Tel. 020 719 9683
Development manager
Minna Niemeläinen
Tel. 020 719 9684